This was on my friend Lindseys blog and it looks fun so everyone do it! :)
1.) As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together (or a memory you have with Garrett). It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember.
2.) Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
2024 Reading
1 month ago
Like you said, most of my memories are at church or church activities. You have always been so friendly and welcoming! Ryan and I are always saying, "We need to do more things with the Halligans!" I still think it is funny the time Garrett and you drove me home from church (thanks again!) and Garrett asked how old Ryan was. haha.... that was just funny to me that he was taken back. :)
Too bad we dont't have more memories!! You are such a cute, nice girl. But should keep in touch through blogging!
I remember our first night that we "bonded" as BFF's... "Wow, we were quiet for a long time!" haha :)
Oh where to even begin! There could be tons of stuff! Of course the classic memory of me begging you to be my friend could be the first memory. Then there is playing soccer while wearing our hair in buns on top of our head that we thought were soo cute! Or eating play dough ice cream, making olympic cakes, walking everywhere cause no one would drive us! Riding the bus down to Lagoon. Having classes together, especially Mr. T's class where we always got in trouble for talking and Mr. Tapias class where we would always get a hall pass and do handstands in the hallway. On one of your birthdays we planned to wear our matching overalls to school ha and Bonnie has that picture of us by your door. Dressing up to go ice blocking at 2am and then getting scared so Lacy came back and picked us up, having sleepovers and performing our bobsey twin show (ha lacy loved that), going to Las Vegas and being at the house with Kurt Nacey when both the parents left, ha don't even think we said one word to him the 3 hours the folks were gone, going to California and you feeding the kid stuff off the ground even though his mom was crazy! Speaking of eating stuff off the ground, in high school when you ate that chicken nugget from Wendy's in the parking lot. ALL the memories from Snow 405...slipe n slide in the apt, staying up until all hours of the night, getting pulled over on the way home from somewhere and the cop thinking I was high and she had Jeff come into her car to discuss things with him haha. Hanging out with you and Jeff all the time, watching movies with you kids, going to basketball games, ha our first time meeting Jeff and our hot ski instructor came too ha. Sitting on your bed watching you and Emily play on Myspace, getting scared of each other when the lights were out in the elevator, When I was being a good student doing my math homework and you were trying to help emily do the splits or whatever by jumping up on the counter and her completely falling over. You helping me with my paperroute! Your 16th birthday party where bonnie made us play suck and blow and the smartie game(haha remember that game?, When you went to raging waters with me on my 16th birthday and had a lil birthday thing for me that night. Having a sleepover at Melissa Larsens and you ripped your underwear somehow so you sewed it back together! You advertising that you were 50% off by the Fashion place mall. Hanging out at the mall for hours, and you performing a dance or something on the bench and meeting some boy ha think his name was John, Curtis, Jake??? Anyway all your many boys. Us moving back from Snow Hall and every last inch of your car was full of stuff! Then we stopped at Burger King and ate breakfast. You coming up to visit me in Logan for the weekends. The process of you and G dating and getting engaged and then married and your reception. Now memories now are our constant emails and being best cyber friends! Oh I just thought of another one, going to East Canyon with you and sleeping in the tent, then we had some random boys in our tent until like 4 am, going to your cabin and scrapbooking. Oh this one is random too, but after the tornado happened in SLC, I went with you to pass our fliers down there for your dad. All our days skiing, taking skiing freshman year and having our in depth conversations all the way up and back, we would take turns making lunch too and usually always had popcorn too! Skiing all the other times with our NEW and Pink and Purple skis ha, who can forget when the pole knocked me over or when I dropped my glove and you being the trooper you were insisted on treking through the snow to get it! Going to football games in high school and basketball games at Utah State. Our hott first cars, and when your car got a musical horn! Meeting you everyday basically for lunch when I was deciding whether or not to go to Colorado and you being a good friend helping me decide. Going to the zoo with you and Trevor, Bonnie, Heather and her kids, and I brought my neighbors. You going to Park City with me some year on my birthday and we went swimming and you hated me I think cause I was being so annoying making you give me piggy backs and then we went down the alpine slide! Having sleepovers outside on your tramp. Cruising state street. One weekend I came home from Logan and we went to all those different house and then we decided to go pee at some random party (why would we go there instead of a gas station ha). Graduating from high school and you poor girl were in a wheel chair, that was the time in our life when we wernt as tight--senior year. Going to lunch with you during high school while all our other friends ate at the sick cafeteria. Hanging out at your sisters house and going to see the movie The Ring one night with Josh and his friend ha which leads me to Freshman year when you made me go on that group date with you with some guy from myspace and they stopped at the liquor store on the way home. "I work TWO jobs and all I expect from you guys is food on the table when I get home" -Kristen. Coming to Dairy Queen to visit you and studying for our ASL test ha. Doing track in 9th grade and we were such pros ha. Ha okay wow pretty sure I was suppose to write down one memory, but get over it, how could I stop writing with only one memory? THe list could go on for years! We have/had so much fun together, just remember laughing lots and lots! Good thing I aint getting teary eyed cause I am at work, but this sure does make me want to ha. Let the memories roll on! ha! Love you BFF!
One sentence is you in a nutshell when you were younger, "Don't look at me"
Memory - Being picked up on by a bunch of 17 year olds when you weren't even 16 and I was married!
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